Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Invitation to join Cambodian P'chum Ben Festival

This month of September is considered as important date for not only Cambodians to cultivate good from various Bons. These three months of Buddhist Lent is signified by Bon Ben Touch, Kan Ben, and Pchum Ben. Pchum Ben is the festival for the death of ancestors which Cambodians must commemorate and pay gratitude to them. Board members of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) would like to invite members and guests to come join our important Cambodian Gathering of Pchum Ben Festival Day on the following schedule:

Sunday, September, 14-21-28 , 2008

9:00 AM - Arrival of all participants and guests at Cambodian Dhammaram Temple or Dhammaram Asrama: Worship Triple Gem, chant “successful life sutra”, observe five precepts, offering food to the monks, meditation and merits dedicating for well-being of our ancestors and all beings.

12:00 Noon: All participants have lunch together.

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St.,

Waialua, HI, 96791

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RtUvKñanwgéf¶GaTitü³ TI14¬P¢úMbiNÐtUc¦-TI21¬kan;biNЦ-TI28¬P¢úMbiNÐFM¦ ExkBaØa K>s>2008

- em:ag9³30 RBwk CYbCuMBuT§bris½T epþImnmsSkarRBH

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- em:ag12éf¶Rtg; GeBa¢IjBuT§bris½T smaCik-smaCika TaMgGs;BisarePaCnaharrYmKña.

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St., Waialua, HI 96791

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Khmer New Year 2552 - Announcement & Invitation

Committees of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) would like to invite members and guests to come join our proud Cambodian New Year Celebration (Bon Chol Chnam Khmer) on the following schedule. Bon Chol Chnam is very important annual Celebration for all Cambodians to celebrate family reunion, cultural show, entertainment, and cultivate goodness/merits for themselves.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

9:00 AM - Arrival of all participants and guests at Cambodian Dhammaram Temple or Dhammaram Asrama: Worship Triple Gem, Observe Five Precepts, Offering Food to Monks, Meditate and Pray for Well-being of Our Ancestors as well as all Beings.

12:00 Noon: All participants have lunch

Note: Khmer New Year will be inaugurated (Chlong) in Sunday, April 20, 2008 to conduct Sand Mount, Buddha Bath, and play Traditional Games at the same time above.

There will be entertained by Live Rainbow Band from noon to evening

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St., Waialua, HI 96791

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RtUvKñanwgéf¶TI13 Exemsa K>s>2008

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RtUvKñanwgéf¶TI20 Exemsa K>s>2008

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bon Meag Bochea or Magha Puja Day 2551

Above pictures are the merit observation of the members of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (Cabah) in Sunday, February 10, 2008 at Cambodian Dhammaram Buddhist Temple of Hawaii. Many members were gathering there to chant prayer, observe the precepts, offer food to monk, mutual socializing and interacting happily. This harmonious occasion potentially sustains the healthy and wealthy multicultural society of America.

Bon Meach Bochea or Magha Puja Day (Fourfold Assembly or "Sangha Day") takes places on the full moon day of the third lunar month (March). This holy day is observed to commemorate an important event in the life of the Buddha. This event occurred early in the Buddha's teaching life.

After the first Rains Retreat (Vassa) at the Deer Park at Sarnath, the Buddha went to Rajagaha city where 1250 Arahats,(Enlightened saints) who were the Buddha's disciples, without prior appointment, returned from their wanderings to pay respect to the Buddha. They assembled in the Veruvana Monastery with the two chief disciples of the Buddha, Ven. Sariputta and Ven. Moggalana.

The assembly is called the Fourfold Assembly because it consisted of four factors: (1) All 1250 were Arahats; (2) All of them were ordained by the Buddha himself; (3) They assembled by themselves without any prior call; (4) It was the full moon day of Magha month (March).

The three important teachings delivered by Lord Buddha and become the cornerstone of Buddhism are: 1. Avoiding all evil deeds, 2. Cultivating all good deeds, and 3. Purifying one own's mind.

More about this information

Friday, January 18, 2008

Invitation: Magha Puja Day & New Dining Hall Celebration

Committees of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) would like to invite members and guests to come join our important Cambodian Ceremony of Magha Puja Day and New Dining Hall celebration on the following schedule. Bon Magha Puja Day is a significant day remembering and paying respect to the Dhamma (teaching of Lord Buddha) for all Buddhists to participate this day and cultivate goodness for themselves.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

9:00 AM - Arrival of all participants and guests at Cambodian Dhammaram Temple or Dhammaram Asrama: Worship Triple Gem, Observe Five Precepts, Offering Food to Monks, Meditate and Pray for Well-being of all Beings.

12:00 Noon: All participants have lunch together.

: 67067A Kaelohanui St., Waialua, HI, 96791