Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Khmer Language Classes

Cambodian Students of Aloha
UH, Campus Center, Room #203B

Khmer Language Level 2

Course Period: Semester: Fall 2009 (August 8 – December 12, 2009)

Time: Saturday, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Mr. Utey Uch
Mr. Richard (Sovann) Ung and Mrs. Angela (Pisey) Ung
Mr. Sophan Seng and Mrs. Leakhena N. Seng
Mr. Son Le

Topics: This course will cover a text book “Khmer Language Grade 1” and basic conversations.

Course Description: This course is designed to review the consonants and vowels that were taught in Khmer Language Level 1. In addition, it describes how to build words and sentences by using the consonants and vowels properly. Students are introduced to the basic conversations for everyday living. These conversations are focused on sentences to be used with family, at shopping center, and traveling. Also, students will learn some Cambodian culture and history. Learning Approaches: In addition to free registration, students receive handout (learning material) for free of charges. Students are encouraged to speak Khmer in class. Students to receive an assigned homework after each class session.

Although this class is designed for continuing students who have participated in Khmer Language Level 1, it is welcome to the beginners also. For the beginners, we have at least one assistant teacher in every class to provide extra help to them.
Expectation: Students are able to use consonants and vowels properly in building sentences, communicate with family and friends in Khmer language (simple writing and speaking), and learn some Cambodian culture and history
Course Outline Session Date Topics Home Work

1 August 8 Introduction
Review Consonants and Vowels
No home work
2 August 15 Chapter 1: Greetings Consonants and Vowels Due
3 August 22 Chapter 2: Family members Chapter 1 Due
4 August 29 Chapter 3: What to do today Chapter 2 Due
5 September 5 Chapter 4: Visiting family and friends Chapter 3 Due
6 September 12 Review Chapter 1 to 4 Chapter 4 Due
7 September 19 Quiz 1 Chapter 1 to 4
8 September 26 Chapter 5: Day, month, year
Review number
No home work
9 October 3 Chapter 6: Traveling Chapter 5 Due
10 October 10 Chapter 7: At home Chapter 6 Due
11 October 17 Chapter 7: At home (Cont.) Chapter 7 Due
12 October 24 Review Chapter 5 to 7 Chapter 7 Due
13 October 31 Quiz 2 Chapter 5 to 7
14 November 7 Chapter 8: Holiday in Cambodia No home work
15 November 14 Chapter 9: At shopping centers Chapter 8 Due
16 November 21 Chapter 10: At hospital Chapter 9 Due
17 November 28 No Class (Thanksgiving)
18 December 5 Review chapter 8 to 10 Chapter 10 Due
19 December 12 Quiz 3 and Class Evaluation Chapter 8 to 10
Assessment Methods: Class will be evaluated through
- Class participation 25%
- Quiz 1 25%
- Quiz 2 25%
- Quiz 3 25%
References: Khmer Language, Grade 1, 1996.
This class is arranged and initiated by Cambodian Students of Aloha. Thanks to University of Hawaii that provide a class room for us. Thanks to Mr. Sophan Seng and Cambodian Students of Aloha who help administrate and communicate with University of Hawaii. Thanks to Cambodian American Buddhist Association of Hawaii that provide study material to this class.

Prepared by Utey Uch

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Important Chanting for All Buddhists


nema tsS PKveta Grheta smµasm<úT§sS

ERb³ rIkiriyafVaybgÁMén´RBHkruNa cUrmandl; RBHd_manRBHPaKGgÁenaH RBHGgÁCaRBHGrhnþd_Rb esIrRTg;Rtas;dwgnUvejyüFm’TaMgBYgedayRbéB cMeBaHRBHGgÁ\tmanRKYGacarüNaRbedARBHGgÁ eLIy. sURtbIdg

Ø BuT§M srNM Kcäami


Ø FmµM srNM Kcäami


Ø sgÇM srNM Kcäami





1>)aNati)ata evrmNI sikçabTM smaTiyami ´RBHkruNasUmrkSanUvsikçabT evorcaknUvkiriya karRbmaf ebotebon nigsMLab;CIvitmnusS nigstVTaMgLay.

2>GTinñaTana evrmNI sikçabTM smaTiyami ´RBHkruNasUmrkSasikçabT evorcakkiriyaqe)ak niglYcRTBüsm,tiþGñkd_éT.

3>kaemsumicäacara evrmNI sikçabTM smaTiyami ´RBHkruNasUmrkSasikçabT evorcakkiriyaRbRBwtþ xuspøÚvkam.

4> musavaTa evrmNI sikçabTM smaTiyami ´RBHkruNasUmrkSanUvsikçabT evorcakkiriya niyaykuhknigjúHjg;bMEbkbM)ak;Gñkd_éT.

5> suraemrymC¢b,maTdæana evrmNI sikçabTM smaTiyami

´RBHkruNasUmrkSanUvsikçabT evorcakkiriyapwk nUvTwkRsvwgnigesBeRKOgejón.


(Praise be to Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Supremely Enlightend)

(i) BHUDDHAM SARANAM GECCHAMI : I take refuge in the Buddha

(ii) DHAMMAN SARANAM GECCHAMI : I take refuge in the Dhamma

(iii) SANGHAM SARANAM GECCHAMI : I take refuge in the Sangha

In the second time…

In the third time…

The Five Fundamental Precepts:

I vow to myself not to take the lives of other living beings

I vow to myself not to steal

I vow to myself not to have unlawful sex

(iv) MUSAVADA VERAMANI SIKKHAM PADHAM SAMADIYAMI: I vow to myself not to tell lies

(v) SURAMAIRAYA MEIKSAPAMA, DATTHANA, VERAMANI SIKKHA PADHAM ASMADIYAMI: I vow to myself not to indulge in harmful drugs

Important Annual Rituals of Cambodia


1> buNümaXbUCa R)arB§kñúgéf¶15ekItRBHcnÞ eBjvg; ExmaX b¤RtUvnwgExmina edaymanRBH GrhnþcMnYn1250GgÁ CaRBHGrhnþ CaÉhiPikçú nimnþmkCYbCMuKñasMEdg»vaT)atiemakçenAvtþevLúv½nRkugraCRKwH eday\t)anNat;KñaCa muneLIy.

2>buNücUlqñaMfµIb¤sRgáanþ b¤buNücUlqñaMExµ R)arB§ kñúgExEcRtb¤RtUvnwgExemsa KWCakarBicarNanUv dMeNIrCIvitEdlRbRBwtþeTAkñúgqñaMcas; TukCaemeron sMrab;qñaMfµIkñúgkarerobcMEpnkarCIvit eTAmuxeTot[ )anl¥CagqñaMcas;lHbg;GMeBIIGaRkk;ksagnUvGMeBIl¥ sMrab;qñaMfµIGnaKtl¥ . CabuNüRbéBNI man El,gRbCaRbIy_nigr)aMkMsanþepSg².

3> buNüBisaxbUCa R)arB§kñúgéf¶15ekItExBisax b¤RtUvnwgEx]saPa buNüenHeFVIeLIgsMrab;rMlwknUv buB§ehtusMxan;3RbkarKW

1 RBHeBaFistV RBHnamRBHsiT§tßRTg;RBHRbsURt

2 RBHGgÁRtas;dwg

3 RBHGgÁrMlt;xn§briniBVan

4> buNücUlRBHvsSa R)arB§kñúgExGasaZ b¤Exkkáda CaviFIbvrNakmµ RTRTg;nig]btßmÖ[Kg; caMRBHvsSaedIm,IsikSanigbdibtþiFm’ryHeBl3Ex

5>buNükan;biNÐ nig PöMúbiNÐ R)arB§kñúgéf¶1erac dl; éf¶14erac ExPRTbT Caéf¶kan;biNÐ nig éf¶15erac ExPRTbTCaéf¶PöMúbiNÐ b¤RtUvnwgExkBaØa CavIFIbuNüeFVIeLIgedIm,I]TÞiskusl CYyrMedaHTukç dl;jatimitþ RkumRKYsarmanmatabita CaedIm Edl)anEckzanBIelakenHeTAelakxagmux.

6>buNüecjRBHvsSa R)arB§eFIVkñúgrvagExGsSúCn nigkkþik b¤ExkBaØanigtula edIm,IeFIVbvarNakmµ nimnþRBHsgÇecjRBHvsSa nigCakarGnuemaTna dl;RBHsgÇRBmTaMgBuT§bris½TEdl)ancUlbdibtiþ ryHeBleBjmYyRtImas.

7>buNükzinTan R)arB§kñúgéf¶1erac ExGsSúC b¤RtUvnwgExsIha dl; éf¶15ekIt Exktþik b¤RtUvnwgExtula CaGkalTanmYyEdlsMxan; sMrab;BuT§bris½TBIeRBaHmaneBlkMNt;EtmYyExKt; BuT§bris½TfVayéRtcIBrdl;RBHsgÇCasMxan;.

8>buNüpáasamKÁI RsMrab;vtþFmµaram rdæhaév:eyIg enHnwg)arB§kñúgExmiKsir b¤ RtUvnwgExFñÚ CaviFIbuNü eFVIeLIgedIm,ICYbCMujatimitþbgb¥Ún kñúgeKalbMNg RbmUlbc©½ynigsMPar³sMrab;eFVIkarksagsmiT§I plnanakñúgvtþGram nigCYyCnRkIRkRBmTaMgekµg kMRBaenARbeTskm<úCa.

Annual Khmer Buddhist Rituals and Direction of CABAH

  1. Bon Makha Puja in March conduct in the full moon day of 3rd lunar month to commemorate the day of 2,500 Bhikkhus (they were all enlightened and directly ordained by the Buddha) met fortuitously on the full-moon day, and Sakyamuni expounded the PATIMOKHA, the rules of the order at the Veluvana temple.
  2. Bon Chol Chnam Thmey (Sangkran) or Khmer New Year in April conduct in mid-April, Buddhist New Year based on lunar calendar of 5th month. Khmer New Year festival allows everyone to concentrate on the experiences of past year life to sort them out as precious lessons for the new coming year. This occasion also celebrate Khmer Tradition including traditional games, folk dances and other performances.
  3. Bon Visakha Puja in May conduct to homage and honor the Sakyamuni Buddha’s Birthday, Enlightenment, and Parinibbana on the full moon day of 6th lunar month.
  4. Bon Chol Vasa in July conduct to support the Buddhist monks for his 3 months of rain-retreat or Buddhist Lent to fully study and practice the Dhamma.
  5. Bon Pchum Ben Day in September conducts to remembering relatives who have passed away as well as to earn merits for themselves by observing Dhamma and offering materials to their parents, elders and pure people such as Buddhist monks.
  6. Bon Chenh Preah Vasa or Pavoranakam in October conduct to appreciate the fulfillment of Buddhist monks and laypeople who completed their 3 month rain-retreat practice of the Dhamma.
  7. Bon Kathina Dana or Saffron Robes Offering during October conduct to offer Saffron Robes to Buddhist monks who have successfully graduated their 3 month rain-retreat of Dhamma practices during Vasa. This offering is limited by an exact time because laypeople can conduct only one month counted from the first day of Buddhists out of Lent.
  8. Money-Flower Gathering or Fund-raising in December conducts to raise fund to use for community improvement as well as help those destitute conditions, poor families and orphans in Cambodia.

You are invited to join Bon Chol Preah Vasa or Buddhist Lent Ceremony

Bon Chol Preah Vasa or Buddhist Lent Day is one of the Sangha’s days that laypeople and monks have always gathered to vow and determine to stay in the temple to strictly practice meditation during full 3 months of Lent. Board members of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) would like to invite members and guests to come join our important Cambodian Gathering of Chol Preah Vasa Day or Buddhist Lent Day on the following schedule:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

9:00 AM - Arrival of all participants and guests at Cambodian Dhammaram Temple or Dhammaram Asrama: Worship Triple Gem, observe five precepts, offering food to the monks, meditation and dedication merits for well-being of all beings.

12:00 Noon: All participants have lunch together.

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St.,

Waialua, HI, 96791

(Across the Street from Waialua High School Basketball Court)

eyIg´CaKNkmµkarBuT§iksmaKmExµrGaemrikaMgRbcaMrdæhaév:eyIg enH mankitþiyssUmGeBa¢Ijbgb¥Ún BuT§sasnikCn nigePJóvkitþiysTaMgGs;cUlrYmbuNücUlRBHvsSa b¤Caéf¶bvarNakmµ edIm,I]btßmÖBuT§bris½T nigRBHsgÇEdlnwgtaMgcitþbdibtiþFm’ryHeBleBjbIExkñúgrdUvePøóg RBmTaMg]TÞisbuNükusldl;buBVkarICn CIdUnCIta GñkmanKuNTaMgLay nigtamRbéBNIExµreyIg[)an eRcInkuHkr tamkmµviFIxageRkam³

éf¶GaTitü 5erac ExGasaF qñaMqøÚvÉks½k B>s>2553

RtUvKñanwgéf¶GaTitü TI12 Exkkáda K>s>2009

- em:ag9³30 RBwk CYbCuMBuT§bris½T sURtbTsarPBaØ

epþImnmsSkarRBHrtnRt½y smaTansIl rab;)aRtevrcgðan;RbeKn RBHsgÇ bgSúkul]TÞisbuNükusldl;buBVkarICn nigsURtFm’bT brPvsURt.

- em:ag12éf¶Rtg; GeBa¢IjBuT§bris½T smaCik-smaCika TaMgGs;BisarePaCnaharrYmKña .

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St.,

Waialua, HI 96791

(Across the Street from Waialua High School Basketball Court)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Celebration of Lord Buddha Da or Vishak Bochea Day 2009

Bon Vishak Bochea is a remarkable day to commemorate and pay respect to the Buddha who born, enlightened and Paribbana in the day of the full moon of Visakha lunar month or May. All Buddhists around the world commemorate this day including the United Nations to avoid all bad, to cultivate good, and to purify one own mind. Board members of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) would like to invite members and guests to come join our important Cambodian Gathering of Vishak Bochea Day or The Buddha Day on the following schedule:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

9:00 AM - Arrival of all participants and guests at Cambodian Dhammaram Temple or Dhammaram Asrama: Worship Triple Gem, observe five precepts, offering food to the monks, meditation and merits dedication for well-being of all beings.

12:00 Noon: All participants have lunch together.

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St.,

Waialua, HI, 96791

(Across the Street from Waialua High School Basketball Court)

eyIg´CaKNkmµkarBuT§iksmaKmExµrGaemrikaMgRbcaMrdæhaév:eyIg enHmankitþiyssUmGeBa¢Ijbgb¥Ún BuT§sasnikCn nigePJóv kitþiysTaMgGs;cUlrYmbuNüvisaxbUCarMlwkdl;RBHBuT§brmRKUedIm,IsMEdg kardwgKuNcMeBaHRBHGgÁEdl)anRbsURt Rtas;dwg nig briniBVankñúg15ekItExBisaxCamYyKña/ RBmTaMg]TÞisbuNü kusldl;buBVkarICn CIdUnCIta GñkmanKuNTaMgLay nigtamRbéBNI ExµreyIg[)aneRcInkuHkr tamkmµviFIxageRkam³

éf¶GaTitü 2erac ExBisax qñaMqøÚvÉks½k B>s>2553

RtUvKñanwgéf¶GaTitü TI10 Ex]sPa K>s>2009

- em:ag9³30 RBwk CYbCuMBuT§bris½T sURtbTsarPBaØ

epþImnmsSkarRBHrtnRt½y smaTansIl rab;)aRtevrcgðan;RbeKn RBHsgÇ bgSúkul]TÞisbuNükusldl; buBVkarICn nigsURtFm’bTrMlwkdl;éf¶RbsURt éf¶Rtas;dwg nigéf¶briniBVanrbs;RBHBuT§GgÁ.

- em:ag12éf¶Rtg; GeBa¢IjBuT§bris½T smaCik-smaCika TaMgGs;BisarePaCnaharrYmKña .

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St.,

Waialua, HI 96791

(Across the Street from Waialua High School Basketball Court)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Khmer New Year 2009, New Year Chanting, and Board Election

Khmer New Year Program 2009

Election Announcement

According to the Committee Meeting on Sunday, March 15, 2009, there will be an ELECTION to choose 6 Board Members for Cambodian American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) in Sunday, April 12, 2009 at the same time of Cambodian New Year Celebration.

So, we would like to publicly announce all our members and aspirants to nominate your own name or others to be the CANDIDATE for our members to elect.

Time: Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 12 – 1:00 pm

Place: Watt Khmer Dhammara

Election Committee: Cambodian Students at University of Hawaii

Considered Nominees: must be older than 18 years old, anyone who are living in Hawaii

including Oahu and Big Island.

Note: send the nomination names through email: malinc@hawaii.edu ,

or by mailing at: 1711 East West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96848 (cc: Malin Chin)

Election Procedures: declaring of nomination --> nominees are written on the white board-->nominees have chance to speak/campaign 5 minutes-->distribution of vote ballots-->everyone (including members and nominees) cast their vote at the ballot box discreetly-->voted ballots will count openly -->declare the 6 members with highest scores from 1 to 6 only -->end

Special Chanting and Home Decoration for the Happiness, Prosperity and Success for New Year Conduct

Committees of Cambodian-American Buddhist Association of Hawaii (CABAH) would like to invite members and guests to come join our important Cambodian New Year Celebration (Bon Chol Chnam Khmer) on the following schedule. Bon Chol Chnam is very important annual Celebration for all Cambodians to have family reunion, cultural show, entertainment, and cultivate goodness/merits for their life.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

- 02:30pm: arrival of all participants and

guests at Cambodian Dhammaram Temple or Dhammaram Asrama: Parita Chanting

Sunday, April 12, 2009

- 9:00 AM - Arrival of all participants and guests : Worship Triple Gem, Observe Five Precepts, Offering Food to Monks, Meditate and Pray for Well-being of Our Ancestors as well as all Beings.

11:30 am: All participants have lunch

Note: Khmer New Year will be inaugurated (Chlong) in Sunday, April 20, 2008 to conduct Sand Mount, Buddha Bath, Khmer Dance, Khmer Music and play Traditional Games.

There will be an election to choose 6 Permanent Board Members after Lunch time.

Address: 67067A Kaelohanui St., Waialua, HI 96791

(Waialua High School, Basketball Court)

View Larger Map

eyIg´CaKNkmµkarBuT§iksmaKmExµrGaemrikaMgRbcaMrdæhaév:eyIg enH mankitþiyssUmGeBa¢Ijbgb¥ÚnBuT§sasnikCnnigePJóvkitþiys TaMgGs;cUlrYmbuNücUlqñaMExµr edIm,IeFIVbuNü]TÞisdl;CIdUnCIta GñkmanKuNTaMgLay/ Rsg;RBH/ BUnPñMxSac;/ nigElgEl,gRb CaRbIy_tamRbéBNIExµreyIg[)aneRcInkuHkrtamkmµviFIxageRkam³

éf¶esAr_ 2erac ExecRt qñaMCUt sMriT§is½k B>s>2552

RtUvKñanwgéf¶TI11 Exemsa K>s>2009

- em:ag02³30resol BiFIcMerInRBHbritþ

qøgbuNücUlqñaM éf¶GaTitü 3erac ExecRt B>s>2552

RtUvKñanwgéf¶TI12 Exemsa K>s>2009

- em:ag9³30 RBwk CYbCuMBuT§bris½T epþImnmsSkarRBHrtnRt½y smaTansIl rab;)aRt evrcgðan;RbeKnRBHsgÇbgSúkul]TÞisbuNü kusldl;buBVkarICnrbs;eyIg.

- em:ag11³30 GeBa¢IjsmaCikTaMgGs;BisarePaCnaharrYmKña

sUmbBa¢ak;nwgmankareFIVbuNüBUnPñMxSac; Rsg;RBHnigElgEl,g RbCaRbIy_epSg². sUmGeBa¢IjykRBHBuT§rUbmktaMgRsg;edIm,ICa sirImgÁlRbcaMpÞHEterog²xøÜn. BiFIbuNünwgmankarRbKMutRnþIExµr sMEdgr)aMCUnBr ElgEl,gRbCaRbIy_ nig tRnþIsm½ypgEdr.

CaBiessnwgmankare)aHeqñateRCIserIssmaCikKNkmµkarGciéRnþy_cMnYn6nak; sUmGeBa¤IjcUlrYme)aHeqñat [)aneRcInkuHkr.