Cambodian Students of Aloha
UH, Campus Center, Room #203B
Khmer Language Level 2
Course Period: Semester: Fall 2009 (August 8 – December 12, 2009)
Time: Saturday, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Mr. Utey Uch
Mr. Richard (Sovann) Ung and Mrs. Angela (Pisey) Ung
Mr. Sophan Seng and Mrs. Leakhena N. Seng
Mr. Son Le
Topics: This course will cover a text book “Khmer Language Grade 1” and basic conversations.
Course Description: This course is designed to review the consonants and vowels that were taught in Khmer Language Level 1. In addition, it describes how to build words and sentences by using the consonants and vowels properly. Students are introduced to the basic conversations for everyday living. These conversations are focused on sentences to be used with family, at shopping center, and traveling. Also, students will learn some Cambodian culture and history. Learning Approaches: In addition to free registration, students receive handout (learning material) for free of charges. Students are encouraged to speak Khmer in class. Students to receive an assigned homework after each class session.
Although this class is designed for continuing students who have participated in Khmer Language Level 1, it is welcome to the beginners also. For the beginners, we have at least one assistant teacher in every class to provide extra help to them.
Expectation: Students are able to use consonants and vowels properly in building sentences, communicate with family and friends in Khmer language (simple writing and speaking), and learn some Cambodian culture and history
Course Outline Session Date Topics Home Work
1 August 8 Introduction
Review Consonants and Vowels
No home work
2 August 15 Chapter 1: Greetings Consonants and Vowels Due
3 August 22 Chapter 2: Family members Chapter 1 Due
4 August 29 Chapter 3: What to do today Chapter 2 Due
5 September 5 Chapter 4: Visiting family and friends Chapter 3 Due
6 September 12 Review Chapter 1 to 4 Chapter 4 Due
7 September 19 Quiz 1 Chapter 1 to 4
8 September 26 Chapter 5: Day, month, year
Review number
No home work
9 October 3 Chapter 6: Traveling Chapter 5 Due
10 October 10 Chapter 7: At home Chapter 6 Due
11 October 17 Chapter 7: At home (Cont.) Chapter 7 Due
12 October 24 Review Chapter 5 to 7 Chapter 7 Due
13 October 31 Quiz 2 Chapter 5 to 7
14 November 7 Chapter 8: Holiday in Cambodia No home work
15 November 14 Chapter 9: At shopping centers Chapter 8 Due
16 November 21 Chapter 10: At hospital Chapter 9 Due
17 November 28 No Class (Thanksgiving)
18 December 5 Review chapter 8 to 10 Chapter 10 Due
19 December 12 Quiz 3 and Class Evaluation Chapter 8 to 10
Assessment Methods: Class will be evaluated through
- Class participation 25%
- Quiz 1 25%
- Quiz 2 25%
- Quiz 3 25%
References: Khmer Language, Grade 1, 1996.
This class is arranged and initiated by Cambodian Students of Aloha. Thanks to University of Hawaii that provide a class room for us. Thanks to Mr. Sophan Seng and Cambodian Students of Aloha who help administrate and communicate with University of Hawaii. Thanks to Cambodian American Buddhist Association of Hawaii that provide study material to this class.
Prepared by Utey Uch